John E. Campbell John E. Campbell

Setting goals from the Heart

How can I make better use of my time?

Lately I've been feeling restless when I'm still, and feeling like I want rest when I'm doing things. I feel like I have mixed emotions about some of the traumatic things that have happened in my life. I feel sometimes that I don't like certain people for different reasons, and I don't like that. I feel like every religion has been teaching us to forgive and love everybody. I want to be free of these mixed emotions and get true rest when I'm resting, and do my best when I'm doing something. Some of the things I want to accomplish are practicing music regularly, exercising, writing more and reading. I also want to study spirituality and become a spiritual counselor, and be a part of or lead a meditation group. I want to study massage therapy, and I want to start my own business. I also want to practice art and become a great artist. These are things I will be focusing on in the next year. What are some of the things you want to accomplish?

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John E. Campbell John E. Campbell

Why do we feel pain?

Do you feel emotional pain like anger, hate, or fear at all in life? Most if not everybody in this world do. For me it has been pain that I feel in my heart that comes from seeing meanness in my everyday interactions, to memories from the past that are painful, to the collective pain of the injustice in societies and in the universe. There is something you can do to let go of this pain. First, ask God for help. Then consider if there are ways that you are thinking or behaving that are not right, things like meanness, gossip, hurtful words or actions. What do you believe about people? What do you believe about life? Are there any people that you are angry at? Hate and anger are the same thing. They are Love that is configured in the wrong way. As Jeshua (Jesus) said, "examine yourselves". If you see something wrong, say something, do something, walk away or pray but in all that do it from Love. Ask yourself, am I doing what God wants me to do?

Follow the light. You know what is right. Love everybody. And if you think someone has done something unforgivable, pray for them.
Love and light,
John Campbell

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John E. Campbell John E. Campbell

Family Healing

Right now, three days before my birthday, I am writing this post, thinking of my sister and how I’m gonna be able to see her on Sunday, the day before my birthday. My sister and I have dealt with mental health issues for almost all of our adult lives. She started having mental health issues when she first went off to college, and the same thing happened with me. I’ve been doing research recently and I’ve found more evidence that mental health issues, no matter how severe, do not have to be life long. People like Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud helped their patients recover from severe mental health issues like schizophrenia before there was medication. Another doctor named Abram Hoffer, who I saw speaking on Youtube, talked about how people could treat mental health issues with certain vitamins.

Things like mental health issues have been around for a very long time in this world. Many spiritual texts talked about casting out demons, though I believe what the teachers in these texts really taught was turning to God and asking God for healing. Carl Jung talked about this as well. For every problem, there’s a spiritual solution. For every problem, Love is the solution. I know my sister and I will one day be free of mental health issues. I am in a much better mental state than I was before, and the reason for that is that I have turned to God and asked for help. If someone is dealing with mental health issues in your family, keep them in prayer, and see the best for them. Pray, and keep seeing the best for you and the world. That’s repentance, or turning back, or turning to God.

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John E. Campbell John E. Campbell

Are you happy?

Am I happy? I don't feel like I am sometimes when I'm in pain. I've been in pain a lot recently because of the mistakes I made in the past where I hurt others. Happiness to me is Joy, it's love and lovingness. Love is who we are, and when we are loving there are good things that happen in our lives and for those around us. Choosing to love in the face of adversity is the task we're being confronted with now in the world. When you feel hurt about the hurtful things that happen in life it can make you angry. Keep choosing to love and it will heal you and the world.

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John E. Campbell John E. Campbell

Prayer for a better world

I'm thinking about some of the mistakes I've had in the past, and how all of them have been caused by hatred or a lack of love. Anger and hate are hard emotions that are unessesary, and cause us much pain over time until we are willing to forgive. I've felt hate and anger when I've seen people be angry or mean to others. I think forgiveness should be a daily practice. It is always necessary in this world where so much goes wrong. Many people avoid the news because of the many negative news stories, but it could be thought of that you can pray for those situations you see that need help. Prayer works, it takes time but it helps you and others get to a better world. 

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John E. Campbell John E. Campbell

Fear and Love

Thoughts on healing fear and living in Love.

On one side you have fear, on the other side you have love. Fear is telling you to be afraid of what you've done wrong, to be afraid of being attacked or punished, and to be angry about the things you don't think are right or that have been done wrong to you or others. Love is trying to tell you to love everyone no matter what, to forgive the things that are going wrong or that have been done wrong, and to respond to these things with love, in thought, prayer, words or actions. There are some things that have happened in people's lives that they think are unforgivable. Trust God and ask to forgive or be forgiven. Forgiveness is for you and them.

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John E. Campbell John E. Campbell


Forgiveness is the key to freedom. Thank you for reading!

The greatest thing we can do in this life is to be loving always. The world we live in is for many people full of hardship and unhappiness. There are some people who say that we shouldn't expect to live a life without some degree of these things, that we should accept them as human nature. I truly believe we should focus on transcending suffering by becoming interested in our problems, our faults, our fears, and tackle them head on. If there is someone who wronged you, forgive them, and if you can't do it because it was so hurtful, ask God for help. Unforgiveness is one of the main reasons we suffer so much in our lives, and we become free of suffering when we forgive and ask for forgiveness when we need to. Forgiveness brings back love into the eternal equation of our lives. We live a life full of love, grace, and goodness, a life free of suffering.

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